#RouteSelfie campaign
At the occasion of the Summer Seminar of the Cultural Routes which took place from 1st to 5th June 2015 in Osnabrück, Germany, the European Institute of Cultural Routes presented its new communication campaign on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest): #RouteSelfie.
The Institute, through the Hector Project, brings out a new action in order to improve the promotion of European Cultural Heritage among the general public. After Crossing Routes and its bloggers’ network in 2014, the Institute would like to offer a new communication tool to the Cultural routes by using social Media. This new communication campaign, “#RouteSelfie”, will last from June to 1st September 2015 and will be officially launch on Wednesday 10th June 2015.
The campaign’s principle is to invite travellers, tourists, bloggers, to discover Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and to share their touristic and cultural experience through Selfies posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. All publications related to the campaign on social Media will be identifying by the hashtag #RouteSelfie.
The aims of the campaign are numerous:
- Identify the public and attract more visitors and different targets on Council of Europe Cultural Routes;
- Promote European Heritages especially those includes in Cultural Routes;
- Improve communication with general public about activities developed by Cultural Routes Networks;
- Create a community of travellers and visitors from the whole world who could share impressions, discoveries and experiences about European Cultural Routes;
- Bring European Citizens together around their common Heritage.