European Day of Megalithic Culture, April 30
Sunday, April 30, is the European Day of Megalithic Culture organized by our partner network Megalithic Routes. This day people throughout Europe dwell on Megalithic structures. They all have their own story, which we pay extra attention to on this day with a varied program that offers you as a visitor more insights into the history of these stone structures.
Please note! For some parts of the program advance registration is required.
13:00 (duration 1.5 to 2 hours) Walk to the dolmens
Led by a guide you will go on a walk to the dolmens D21 to D25. The guide takes you into the story of the first farmers in Drenthe, their way of life and the monuments they built. Along the way you will also encounter traces of other cultures that roamed Drenthe, such as those of the single-grave culture.
Starting point: Hunebedcentrum
Sign up: Registration in advance is required and can be done by emailing (minimum age is 12).
Maximum space for 12 participants.
14:15 (duration 20 min.) Story at the largest hunebed D27: ‘The origin of ‘t Huynenbed’.
Listen to Reverend Picardt (in the flesh), a scholar who claimed in the 17th century that hunebeds were built by ‘huynen’ or giants. In addition to giants, Picardt had also found evidence of White Wolves. This and more he managed to spread among the people… For a long time people believed in his theories.
15:00 (duration +/- 30 min) Lecture: Strange views on dolmens
Over the centuries, people have had different views about dolmens. For a long time it was thought that the monuments were built by giants. Why were hunebeds later partially or completely demolished? Were hunebeds also protected by the government? Speaker Bertus Liewes takes you through the opinions of early hunebed experts.
Sign up: Registration not required.
This lecture is free on presentation of a valid museum ticket.