Annual meeting Megalithic Routes in Herne, Germany
After two years we succeeded again in organising an annual meeting for the participants of Megalithic Routes. From 27 April to 29 April the members from various countries met in Herne, Germany. The reason for this location was the exhibition on Stonehenge in the LWL-Museum für Archäologie, Westfälisches Landesmuseum.
The official part of the meeting was on Thursday 28 April. Besides the official parts and announcements, there was a tour of the Stonehenge exhibition and various presentations, including those of a number of new members: Ayuntamiento de Trigueros, Spain, AEAT, Alto Tejo, Portugal and Sanliurfa, Turkey. In total now there are 39 members.
Important announcements of the meeting were:
- Since the end of 2022 we have a new website, with a map of all members ( ) ;
- The Scientific and Advisory Board has started its practical work in the end of 2022 and is planning a scientific conference in the frame of the 10. Anniversary of our Cultural Route;
- The topics of the forthcoming European Days of Megalithic Culture are 2023: Megaliths – Past and Present; 2024: Megaliths as Landmarks; 2025: Who were the architects of the megaliths?;
- The AGM in spring 2023 will be held in Southern Europe;
- The Board is continuously working on the „Road map“, not at least for getting in new members.
In the evening two presentations were given about recording dolmens with the latest techniques.
Next year, a special meeting will be organised to mark the 10th anniversary of the organisation. Apart from the annual meeting, there will also be a congress organised by the scientific committee of Megalithic Routes. It is not yet known where it will be held.
We thank the Commission for Antiquities of Westphalia for organising the meeting and the excursion.