European Day of Megalithic Culture 2018

Walking into the past: Hiking at the Düwelsteene

The Commission for Westphalian Antiquities invites to the 4th Day of Megalithic Culture in Westphalia.

The passage grave “Düwelsteene” near Heiden is one of the well-preserved megalithic tombs from Late Neolithic times in Westphalia. The monument, more than 5000 years old, is today one of the landmarks of the municipality of Heiden. It is located on a well-known hiking route and is therefore the best place to host the fourth Day of Megalithic Culture in Westphalia. This year’s focus is on hiking to and around megaliths. Under this common theme, the partners of the European Cultural Route “European Route of Megalithic Culture” are participating with many actions all over Europe.

At the Düwelsteene, a varied program is offered to the visitors from 10.00-17.00. Visitors not only hear new and interesting facts about the long-known grave, but can also experience the flourishing nature in the “Hohe Mark-Westmünsterland” Nature Park with a hike of ca. 13 km, guided by the “Westfälischer Heimatbund”. Meeting point is at 9.00 at the church St. Georg in Heiden. You can also explore a shorter alternative route directly from the Düwelsteene on your own.

Prehistoric wheels and cars are models for your own self-made clay souvenirs which can be taken home. There are no limits to creativity in the painting competition either: Two main prizes (under and over 10 years of age) will be awarded to the most beautiful and original presentation of the Düwelsteene. At 14:00 the World Café of the University of Münster opens: A “bio-inspired tour” of the Düwelsteene invites you to look not only into the past but also into the future of the Düwelsteene and its immediate surroundings, having a relaxed round of coffee and cake discussions. Own ideas and suggestions are very welcome! The Ruhr Museum Essen offers insights into the exciting documentary history of the grave and offers the production of jewellery from shells, which was “in” even in the Neolithic Age and can of course be taken home.

In addition to these activities, the archaeologists of the Commission of Westphalian Antiquities will answer questions about the megalithic past and provide detailed information in guided tours at 11:00, 12:30 and 16:00. In addition, a 3D film shows how it will be possible to immerse oneself in the now unknown past of the Düwelsteene: with the help of modern software, the grave can be virtually restored to its original state at the time of its construction. However, this also requires the help of interested citizens! Information on why and how exactly this works can be found at the film screening.

The municipality of Heiden and the “Heimatverein” provide information on their activities. The Ruhr Museum Essen (registration required under 0201/24681-444) offers a free excursion with meeting point at the Düwelsteene. The KULT Westmünsterland in Vreden has arranged a bus transfer for its excursion: Start is at 11.00 at the bus station in Vreden, return around 15.00, costs: 10 EUR.

Société Jersiaise

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