Hunebeds in Drenthe

The Province of Drenthe is a unique part of the Netherlands. Nowhere else in the country have so many visible and invisible archaeological discoveries been made, and nowhere else are so many monumental remains preserved in the landscape. The most remarkable monuments are the hunebeds. They are burial monuments made of enormous boulders that were built by the Funnel Beaker People who lived here between 3400 and 2850 BC. These people were so named by archaeologists because the pottery they made had the shape of a funnel. They lived in the northeast Netherlands, northern Germany, Denmark, and southern Sweden. Many hunebeds can be found in all these areas. In the northern Netherlands there are 54, of which 52 are in Drenthe. We know that there were once between 80 and 100 hunebeds here. Most lie in the eastern part of Drenthe, in the Hondsrug Geopark. All 52 hunebeds in Drenthe can be freely visited and are easy to find by following the many walking and cycling paths. There are information panels at each hunebed and there is also a guide book. Millions of tourists and local residents visit the hunebeds every year.

More information at

Hunebed Loon
Hunebed Loon
Hunebed Borger
Hunebed Borger